Then white rabbit got up on his bum legs to get everyone else's attentions and said “Do you think that because I have leaded you this far, that now I don't have to lead you anymore, because you have come this far?”
The littlest rabbit didn't say anything but the other rabbits piped up a unanimous yes as they were all wondering which way to go up the river. So a vote was taken where it was decided that turning back was not to be, and in the second vote, two rabbits voted for a left turn, two rabbits voting for a right turn and white rabbit and littlest rabbit not voting. White rabbit chose not to vote on the grounds that he was previously out voted in a matter he cared passionately for; he wanted to go home. The littlest rabbit didn't commit himself to a vote because he was copying the white rabbit. Said the littlest rabbit, “If I decided to vote one way on this matter, would you vote against me?” to the white rabbit. Whereupon the white rabbit said, “no I would not choose to vote against you, but I would choose to retain my right, as a rabbit, to vote in favour of the direction I though best!”