Two Way Street
I met a man today on Twitter
Who gave weight to the term trite
Someone had given him an opinion
But the thinking just wasn't quite right
There's a lovely term, 'Contrarian'
Which is what stands for modern Democracy
I say black, he'll say white,
But green is beyond decency
To muster up some outrage
Is a Serotonin drip
Such that the realm of consideration
Is quite particularly thick
But back to this man today,
He weighed heavily on a misguided trope
I could feel the beration
On a salient point I made him note
Convinced that he was right
Based on the fact of self regarding
His concern for our taxes
Was a slanderous asserting of blagarding
Then in from the wings came a Tweeter
Who clarified the lie
Our intrepid hero
Has come to this hill to die
Then silence filled the thread
I suppose he went somewhere else
But no one cared any more
The wall of contrarianism never melts
Maybe that's the lesson
When faced with baseless argument
The truth may always out
At times long after dark