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The 1,2,3's

Right Children! We are going to start with the number 1
It's a lonely number and not much fun
After that it doubles to 2
If you have a me, it's great to have a you
Getting on, comes to a 3
The image of you, the image of me
Any more and we have 4
The old biddy next door is keeping a score
Monday to Friday the day ends at 5
Or maybe it starts and you feel alive
By early October it’s dark at 6
The little match girl is counting her sticks
On All Saint's Day on the news at 7
They tell us the match girl has gone to heaven
To climb an octave, you need to jump 8
Just make sure you've got some food on your plate
When you're tired, it's bed at 9
Otherwise your mortal coil will draw the line
And at the end, you wind up with 10
Where 1 meets zero and we say 'Amen'