“Hello”, said a voice as Clive firmly rooted himself in the nest. Clive would have jumped but for the fact, he was more reclined in comfort now than he ever imagined possible, if that’s possible?
“Eh Hi”, said the squirrel not knowing who, why, what or how he was saying “Hi” to. There wasn’t exactly anything to say “Hi” to as far as the eye could see. So Clive chose not to continue looking but instead to say, “How do you be doing?”
Oh I don’t be doing, was the reply, I do be being
Oh that’s terribly nice, said Clive, anxious to be jovial about the situation
What is terribly nice?
Well it is when something is so nice, it is terribly nice, Clive stated
Is nice the same as being?
hmmm, I suppose it all depends on where you happen to be standing, or sitting for that matter, thought Clive. Clive then had a startling thought. Who am I talking to?
Me, said the tree
Huh? Said Tree Toper Clive
Oh yes, very much so and indeed thereupon, why don’t you stay for a while, I’m feeling quite lonely as a tree, and the nest that you are sitting in has been abandoned for some time
Do you know, I think I shall, thank you very much, said Clive with a smile.