Pixie Pod couldn’t think what to say, but he felt very sorry for trying to tell Tree Topper Clive that trees didn’t talk. In an effort to make peace with the sobbing squirrel Pixie Pod, went and fetched his warmest cuddliest woolly jumper. He came back from the upstairs of the mushroom house to put the woolly jumper over the by now very chilled Clive, and as luck would have it, some fresh Gloobleberry muffin happened to be handy on the stove.
The stove was cold, but it didn’t take Pixie Pod very long to get a fire going, to make the mushroom house very cosy indeed. Whereupon he sat down by the muffined and warmed Tree Topper Clive and said “Please, if you would, tell me about the talking tree, because it seems you lost your way sometime after meeting this talking tree”. Clive told Pod as much as he knew about the tree and about Napaleen magpie, which wasn’t as much as we know. Still it was enough for Pixie Pod to understand why Tree Topper Clive became so glum when he couldn’t find his way back to such a wonderful tree. He also remembered meeting a magpie called Napaleen once, which cheered Clive up somewhat.
After an evening of banter and warmth, Tree Topper Clive’s spirits had perked up an awful lot, to the point in fact where he probably wouldn’t even be able to remember glum path if he tried, as he didn’t write it down at the time. Sleepyness crept into the mushroom house making the two friends drift off into snoresland with little contented grins on their faces, which probably meant they were having little contented dreams behind their tiny shut eyes. If you had been there, you might have said the Ayes have it, but you weren’t, so when the morning came back around there wasn’t one grey cloud to be seen in the blue sky above the whole of the forest and the meadow.