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“How are you my friend?” questioned the perplexed pixie. “Not to good Pod” said Clive. “I feel like the misery witch is following me everywhere I go, and the more I tell the misery witch to shoo, the colder I feel”. “Well put a jumper on you silly squirrel” said Pixie Pod. “Will that make the misery witch go away?” said the quizzical squirrel. “Oh yes” said Pod quite matter-of-factly, “it is widely known”, continued Pod “that misery witches in hot pursuit of cold squirrels, lose all their evil powers when the squirrels put a jumper on”.

“But I don’t have a jumper” said Clive. “Would you like to borrow one of mine” said Pod. “Oh yes please” said Clive, trying to imagine what it would be like to not have any misery witches hot on his trail.

So up the two got and plodded back to the mushroom house, which wasn’t in the shade of the glum tree. The two had to walk the other way from grey path to get to Pod’s house, and when they got there, Pod saw that Clive’s spirits were still down. Once inside the mushroom door, Pixie Pod grabbed Tree Topper Clive’s attentions and demanded to know exactly, how long it had been since the misery witch wouldn’t leave him alone. “Ever since I spent that night in the talking tree” droned the shivering squirrel.